Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Blog Post #10: Living in the age of AI

Recently, it has been a major topic of debate on whether technology is good or bad. Some may argue that technology has improved their lives, making learning, communicating, and keeping up with the news more accessible. Others may argue that technology harms one's health or has taken away people's right to privacy. Both arguments are correct; however, many people are unaware of the gory details of what artificial intelligence really is.

Before I begin, what is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to demonstrate intelligence that could be considered comparable to humans. In other words, it's an attempt for computer scientists to create machines that can think and act like humans. Some common examples of AI machinery are personal assistants, Siri, Alexia, robots, and self-driving cars.

From checking your phone when you wake up, to texting and checking social media throughout the day, to turning on a movie before bed, artificial intelligence has wiggled its way into being a part of each one of our everyday lives. Technology has undoubtedly made many of our lives easier and even saved lives. There have been features of AI that have and continue to help our society. For example, it is estimated that self-driving cars have the potential to decrease fatalities by about 90%. It can also do tasks that may be too dangerous or tedious for humans to perform. It has also reduced possible risk, injuries, or deaths in the workplace, increased efficiency, and productivity, helped doctors with medicine and finding diseases, and even assisted hospitals in getting their patients healthier faster.

Although the pros of artificial intelligence seem undoubtfully positive, there are even more intense negatives. Technology has undoubtedly made many of our lives safer, easier, and more efficient, but it has also harmed us in ways many of us are entirely oblivious to. In 2015, there was a controversy about people's invasion of privacy regarding Google; it was stated, "You'd be horrified if you knew how much we knew about you." As the "Age of AI" video states, "you may have thought you were searching Google, but Google was searching you." Hearing this statement from a professional and someone with first-hand experience is very unsettling. No matter what we do or how private we think we are being, we are being watched, every move, every step, every breath.

Not only has privacy been taken away in the states, but it has also begun to be taken away worldwide. In Japan, it is estimated that over 600 million cameras will be deployed by 2020 in the hopes of discouraging simple acts such as jaywalking, but even more daunting, as a reminder of who is really in charge and that they are always watching.

Not only has artificial intelligence also begun taking over thousands of human jobs, but it has raised the question of whether artificial intelligence or human workers is not only more efficient but more dependable. The impact of AI in the workplace, fast food restaurants, stores, factories, finance departments, law firms, and human resources has not only resulted in the loss of jobs worldwide, but it has also neglected how members of our society make money to support themselves and their families. Artificial intelligence has even separated the natural classes of our society even more. The rich have become more prosperous, and the poor have become poorer.

Technological surveillance has begun to pop up in places many wouldn't have imagined. Devices such as our camera doorbell or the Alexia sitting in our kitchen can spy on us daily and slowly gather information about who we are and our daily lives. These devices are powered by spoken interactions, and with each interaction, the device is learning how to recognize who you are and what you are like based on what you ask. They can ask you a simple question, and they will intensely listen to your response, listen to how you say it, and gain information. 

Identity theft also has never been easier for a hacker, thanks to the help of technology. These hackers can now access various people's accounts and almost every detail of information about them with just a few clicks on the internet. There have even been instances where hackers can watch their victims through things such as a baby monitor or the ring doorbell; that's terrifying! Overall, artificial intelligence has made it extremely hard for us to keep our information private and even for most of us to feel safe.

In conclusion, when it comes to artificial intelligence, there are many pros and cons to this growing technological advancement; however, we need to be careful. Although many of us enjoy using things such as our smartphones, Google, and Alexia, it is essential to use these types of devices sparingly. AI is just as smart, if not more intelligent, than most of us, and with it continuing to grow, it can take over the world. As silly as that may sound, it is unsettling how close we are to that being our reality. So next time you go to pick up your phone right when you wake up, ask yourself, how important is my privacy?

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