Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Blog Post #3: The Supreme Court

The U.S. Government is made up of three different branches, the Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branch. The Legislative branch is responsible for writing the laws, the Executive branch enforces the laws, and the Judicial branch interprets the laws, deciding whether they are constitutional or not. Within the Executive branch is the highest court, the Supreme court making it the most important branch in our government system. After reading the History Channel article, I not only furthered my education on the responsibilities of the Supreme Court, but I also learned the history of how it came to be.

The creation of how the Supreme Court became what it is now is astonishing. When creating the Supreme Court, it was essential to take everything into careful consideration because the decisions made in the Supreme Court have a huge impact on our overall society. I learned that although the Supreme Court was established in 1789, the first meeting was on February 2, 1790, and their first real case was on August 3, 1791, debating a financial disagreement between a farmer and a family. This case was called West v. Barnes. Along with this, I learned that President George Washington stated that the Supreme Court would contain a total of 6 justices, also known as members. These 6 members would be required to serve on the court until either they died or retired.

Within the History Channels article, I also learned numerous facts about past judicial officers, Presidents, and chief of justice. The highest-rated judicial officer within our office is the chief of justice. Currently, our chief of justice is a man named John G. Roberts Jr., who is only the 17th person to be in this position. I discovered that the overall role of the chief is to preside over the Supreme Court in public sessions, hear arguments in private sessions, and preside over possible trials of impeachment against the President of the United States.

The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is that although many citizens and government members believe in tradition, it is important to update possible bills when necessary. Not only has our society changed, but so have many people's beliefs, along with religions evolving, and new laws have been created. It is important that our bills stay traditional to an extent; however, it is also essential to modernize them to the current day and age. 

When reading the History Channels article, I was very surprised to learn that a man named Marshall was not only the fourth chief justice to ever serve in the position, but he also served for over 34 years, breaking a record for being the longest chief justice to ever serve in the position. I was also very surprised to find out that although the supreme court was established in 1789, there have only been a total of 115 Justices that have served on the Supreme Court as of June 2022. This not only shows the exclusivity of who they allow to serve for our country, but it also shows the importance and the weight the Supreme Court holds.

Before reading this article, I did not know much about the Supreme Court besides the fact that it was the highest federal court in the country and that it had the ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United States. This video changed how I looked at the Supreme Court because it showed me the importance this court holds in our justice system. It also made me appreciate the work, time, effort and thought our justices and chief of justice put into our bills to ensure societal balance. The Supreme Court holds a lot of power, and with this much power comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes dependence. We depend on the Supreme Court to check the actions of the other 2 branches of our government to ensure that the laws being made are constitutional. Without these justices, our world would be a mess; half of the citizens in the U.S. would disagree on essentially everything, and the other half would contain extremely too much power. Overall, our U.S government is held in balance because of the Supreme Court

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