Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Blog Post #1: Top 5 News Sources

Media is a communication tool used to deliver information. The three most common ways to gather today's media are through news, social, and web-based media. In today's age, we are constantly introduced to various viewpoints, so diversifying and understanding different perspectives within the media is essential. Similarly to many people my age, I am constantly checking my phone for the most recent update on the latest news. The top 5 news sources I gather my information from are Apple News, CNN, Instagram, NBC News, and ESPN.

Apple News is my favorite place to gather news and educate myself on today's top stories. The fact that this app is already downloaded onto my phone and headlines each day's top stories makes the convenience of this app one of my top 5 news sources. This app shows political stories, sports, fashion, health, environment, entertainment, and so much more. This helps to diversify my news intake so I don't just learn about things I may be interested in but also essential things going on around the world. Besides the convenience of this app being one swipe away, I also get daily notifications keeping me up to date on the latest news.

Instagram is one of the most used platforms used worldwide. Over 80 million posts are shared every day. Like most other people on the app, I use this source to keep in touch with different family members, friends, and acquaintances worldwide. Not only is Instagram a great way to stay in contact with people, but it's also a way to keep updated on different celebrities, sports, and politics. Although this source may be more biased than others, it does an excellent job of transforming an everyday social media platform into a way to share critical political stories, sports information, and event advertisements. Instagram is unique compared to other news sources because each person's feed is designed by an algorithm personalized specifically to what Instagram thinks the user will be interested in. 

NBC News is not only a great platform to stay up to date on today's current events, but it is also one of the oldest television platforms, dating all the way back to 1944. Not only is NBC found on television, but it's also assessable in live video coverage, through national and international radio, on an app on your phone, through journalism, commentary, and local updates. Due to NBC being one of the oldest media platforms, it is also one of the most reliable. They update their consumer on political, social, and economic debates worldwide. The element that tends to catch the attention of young viewers is that they post the highlighted stories of the day, so instead of scrolling through a news source and looking for a story that may pique your interest, NBC provides you with the most popular headlines.

ESPN, which stands for Entertainment Sports Network, is an international news outlet where you can watch sports, talk shows, entertainment, and the sports center. Along with being on television, ESPN news is available on an app and in various magazines. Entertainment Sports Network has the reputation of being the fastest and most reliable sports media source to stay updated on all the major professional leagues: baseball, football, hockey, and basketball.  ESPN has been a part of my life since as far back as I can remember. I grew up watching Saturday night football with my dad, having cookouts with friends and family while watching the sports center, and even going to sports bars specifically to watch ESPN. This news source is not only one of the most entertaining platforms for viewers of all ages, but it is also one that has been in my life forever, which is why it is one of my favorites.

CNN is one of the best live coverage news sources that relay the hottest and most popular reports on news ranging from international, political, business, entertainment, sports, health, weather coverage, and in-depth interviews. Although I explained before how I enjoy the other news sources for their easy access to the highlighted stories, once in a while I enjoy sitting down and updating myself on not only the hottest news but the latest news. CNN is the number one online news destination, not only proving its authenticity but also proving its commitment to its consumers. Due to the vast diversity of information CNN provides, it is easy to stay up to date on what is happening worldwide. They offer a more relaxed way of learning; by watching, listening, and engaging with live interviews, viewers can learn essential news while also enjoying themselves.

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